Rabu, 11 Desember 2013



Bulan Desember Tanggal 13 jatuh di hari jumat, sehingga tanggal 13 Desember 2013 (Friday the 13th.)  bagi sebagian orang yang percaya pada mitos mempercayai bahwa tanggal 13 yang jatuh di hari Jumat adalah pertanda sial. Bagi masyarakat barat khususnya ketakutan akan hari Jumat tanggal 13 disebut paraskavedekatriaphobia atau paraskevidekatriaphobia, yang merupakan bentuk khusus dari triskaidekafobia, atau fobia (ketakutan) terhadap angka 13. pembaca bisa check istilah istilah tersebut melalui browsing di google.

Secara pribadi sebagai orang yang percaya pada kebesaran Tuhan, angka berapa pun dan hari apa pun, sama baiknya. Masalah sial atau tidak sial, itu merupakan takdir masing-masing orang pribadi. Tapi sekedar membahas soal Friday the 13th memang menarik buat sebagian orang. Nah, ini ada referensi 13 fakta (atau mitos?) seputar angka 13 buat anda:

  1. Mantan Presiden AS, Franklin D. Roosevelt, ternyata nggak pernah bepergian pada tanggal  13 dan nggak pernah menjamu tamu yang jumlahnya 13 orang. Pastinya, dia memilih berdiam diri pada hari Jumat tanggal 13. 
  2. Beberapa malware aktif setiap hari Jumat tanggal 13. Salah satunya, virus Jerusalem yang menyerang ekstensi file .com dan .exe.
  3. Faktanya, banyak rumah sakit dan hotel yang nggak punya kamar dengan nomor 13.
  4. Kesialan dan berbagai mitos seputar hari Jumat tanggal 13 mengilhami dirilisnya film  "Friday the 13th" di tahun 1980 dan menjadi femomenal sampai sekarang.
  5. Memotong rambut di hari Jumat tanggal 13 sangat dilarang, karena bisa mendatangkan kematian bagi seorang anggota keluarga.
  6. Seseorang yang lahir pada hari Jumat tanggal 13, akan sial sepanjang hidupnya.
  7. Nggak ada jalan di Amerika yang memiliki nama 13th Street atau 13th Avenue.
  8. Dalam balap mobil Formula 1, nggak ada mobil bernomor 13. Nomor ini sengaja dihilangkan setelah terjadi dua kali kecelakaan mobil bernomor 13.
  9. Kalau pada hari Jumat tanggal 13 ada prosesi pemakaman lewat di depan kamu, itu pertanda kamu bakal segera meninggal.
  10. Jarang banget bandara dan pesawat yang punya gate ke-13 dan lorong ke-13.
  11. Tragedi berdarah di Indonesia, Semanggi I, terjadi pada hari Jumat tanggal 13 November 1998.
  12. Banyak gedung dan bangunan yang sengaja menghilangkan lantai ke-13, termasuk di Indonesia.
  13. Kartu Tarrot ke-13 adalah kematian, disimbolkan oleh Grim Ripper 13.
Nahhh, hal-hal tersebut adalah 13 fakta atau mitos -- selanjutnya terserah pada anda untuk menanggapinya terkait angka 13 itu. 
Apabila menurut kacamata agama atau keimanan, untuk menghindari kesialan-kesialan yang anda percaya bakal terjadi setiap tanggal 13 di hari Jumat, cukup dengan menghilangkan semua sugesti-sugesti buruk itu dari pikiran anda. 
Semua itu sungguh merupakan aura dan energy negatif, yang tidak baik bagi mental, keimanan , keseimbangan hidup, keselamatan dan kesehatan anda. Yang akhirnya akan menjadi terkondisi membentuk situasi kekhawatiran secara permanen bahwa anda mulai percaya dengan hal-hal yang tidak logis atau fakta empiris yang kemudian menyepelekan takdir dan kuasa Tuhan.

Jadi menurut pendapat penulis, Fakta atau Mitos >>> Friday the 13th? fakta atau mitos jawabannya ada pada suara hati pada diri kita masing-masing :-)

Source: Wikipedia dan berbagai sumber blog 

GOLDEN TISSUE, Efektif mencegah Kanker Serviks


Golden Tissue adalah Tissue dengan Formulasi khusus Untuk menjaga Kebersihan dan Kesegaran sepanjang hari Organ Intim Wanita dengan formula bebas alkohol dan pH balance serta kandungan ekstrak bahan-bahan alami :  Buah Majakani, Lidah Buaya, Daun Sirih dan Vitamin E.

Meningkatkan sensitivitas / kepekaan organ  intim wanita
Mengencangkan kembali otot-otot bagian dalam organ intim wanita
Menghilangkan bau tak sedap, gatal-gatal serta keputihan
Menjaga kebersihan kulit sekitar organ intim
Memulihkan sel-sel kulit wanita sehabis bersalin
Efektif mencegah Kanker Serviks ( kanker mulut rahim )
website : www.tekanini.com/ibnu0110
email : ibnu0110@gmail.com
++ sulit memulai mudah menjalankannya ++

Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

I'm a Bronze Team Leader!

This business opportunity is really works. please come and Join with us as a Team


Below are the Income index you can learns.

Compensation Plan
All the details—percentages, qualifications, ranks, etc.—for how to make money with SFI.
Benefits Chart
A concise, easy-to-read master chart of the specific benefits of each level of SFI—payouts, perks, and Power Tools access.
Commissions Report
View your commission reports for each month since you've joined SFI.
Earnings Calculator
Estimate your monthly earnings with your SFI business.
Global Growth Report
A detailed up-to-the-minute report including names, geographic data, yesterday's top enrollers, and other information about SFI and TripleClicks enrollments today, yesterday, and month-to-date.
Commission/Getting Paid FAQs
Frequently asked questions about compensation and getting paid.
Pay-Per-Action (PPA)
Earn up to $12 for each SFI Affiliate you sign up, and up to $5 for each TC Member you refer.

Commission Collection Options
SFI offers several ways to receive your commissions. Choose or modify the way you wish to receive your commissions here.
Set up Direct Deposit of your commissions
Download the PDF form for this option.

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

My Prospecting Secrets Revealed!

Let me start off by explaining the biggest benefit of providing your downline members with a viral prospecting system.

It boils down to this...

When you have a viral prospecting system in place for your team
members, your downline has the potential to take on a life of its own and continue to grow effortlessly while you're focusing on more important things such as family and friends.

A gentleman I recently discovered managed to accomplish the difficult task of duplication while maintaining his full time job and family life.

He mentioned that ever since the beginning of his online ventures he was searching for a system that brought interested prospects in automatically.

He didn't have time to do the traditional recruiting methods because they required a lot of time and commitment.
What he wanted instead, was a huge downline that duplicated on
auto-pilot from his part time efforts.

"But did such a solution exist?"

If it did, he said he couldn't find it...

So after many years of struggling to build a solid residual income through network marketing he decided it was time to take the bull by the horns (so to speak) and he created a 3 step marketing system that literally exploded his downline within a few months.

The part that amazed me the most was the fact that he didn't spend a dime on advertising. And his downline is now over 11,460 strong and growing monthly on auto-pilot.

Ultimately I learned that being a successful sponsor involves providing some type of system that helps people build their business, not sitting around wondering why your downline isn't doing anything.

I guess the quote from Zig Ziglar holds true:
"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough nother people get what they want."

If you'd like to learn more about a brand new prospecting system that builds YOUR online business and generates stable monthly income, go here: http://www.ozcashfromhome.com/r/ibn0110

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013


Super Potency Megavites


Super Potency Megavites contains CoQ10, a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the production of energy within each cell in the human body. CoQ10 helps destroy free radicals in your body and is critical for promoting cell, tissue, and organ health. More than just an antioxidant, CoQ10 can also help your body combat diabetes, gingivitis, congestive heart failure, and other diseases; stimulate your body's metabolism to promote weight loss; and much more.
Additionally, Super Potency Megavites Capsules contain 25 essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to provide the optimum ratio of these essential ingredients for a healthly life style. They contain the equivalent of four to five Centrum Brand Multi-vitamin tablets in a daily dose of Super 25 tablets.
Ideal for any individual who lives an active lifestyle, works out, or who is currently tired or feeling a lack of energy, Super Potency Megavites Capsules are an ideal immune booster.
Each daily dose (2 capsules) contains the following ingredients:
Ingredients..................Amount ..................RDA
Vitamin C............................100 mg................167%......
Vitamin E.............................200 IU..................667%......
Vitamin D3..........................400 IU..................100%......
Vitamin A.............................5000 IU...............100%......
Vitamin B1...........................25 mg.................1667%......
Vitamin B2...........................10 mg.................1000%......
Vitamin B6...........................20 mg.................1000%......
Vitamin B12........................100 ug...............1667%......
Vitamin B3.........................25 mg..................167%....
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide)75 mg.....................500%....
Vitamin B5...........................50 mg..................500%......
Biotin..................................300 mg...............100%......
Folic Acid............................800 mg...............200%......
Calcium..............................100 mg..................10%......
Zinc......................................30 mg.................200%......
Copper...................................2 mg.................200%......
Iodine Kelp.......................150 mg........... ......*.....
Selenium Organic Form..200 mcg......................*
Citrus Bioflavonoids..............25 mg....................*........
Magnesium...........................100 mg..................*........
Chromium Polynicotinate.....200 mg..................*........
Manganese..............................5 mg....................*.........
Boron......................................2 mg....................*.........
Molybdenum........................100 ug..................*.........
Coenzyme Q 10.....................30 mcg..................*.........




Every people have their own mask

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013


SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product, sold only in the United States, SFI has now grown to more than 77000 products and services (and growing daily) sold in more than 190 countries around the world.
SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.
Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.
Check it out : http://www.sfi4.com/12508490/first

Stability & Longevity
Better Business Bureau
The mark of a successful company can be seen in its track record. SFI is now in its 14th year, with millions of dollars in annual sales and millions paid in commissions to thousands of affiliates around the world. SFI's parent company, Carson Services, Inc., is now in its 28th year of business, is a Bronze (10+ years), A+ rated Member of the Better Business Bureau and is registered with Dun and Bradstreet. SFI affiliates operate with the peace of mind brought about by associating with a proven, debt-free organization with a long, successful history.
Company Leadership

SFI Founder, Gery Carson
SFI Founder
Gery Carson
SFI President and CEO, and founder of SFI, is Gery Carson. From 1985 to 1998, Gery was a top marketer and record-breaking distributor for several direct sales companies and a successful business magazine publisher. Known for his innovation, Gery has been a pioneering force in the direct mail and Internet marketing industries for more than two decades. His extraordinary achievements as an entrepreneur have been spotlighted in "Money Maker's Monthly," "Upline," "Opportunity World Magazine," and in numerous books and videos. National recognition has also included being named to 1992's Outstanding Young Men of America list and 1997's Who's Who in the Media and Communications. In 1998, Gery set out to "put a dent in the universe" by creating SFI, a ground-breaking program that would utilize the Internet to empower and enrich the lives of millions of people around the world. Today, with 27405 new affiliates joining in the last week alone, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world and is well on its way to achieving Gery's vision.

Your Store

, launched in January 2009, is an exciting new destination on the Web.
TripleClicks currently features 77678 products and services, with hundreds more new products
added weekly, including collectibles and items available nowhere else on the Internet. TripleClicks also
allows its members to simply and easily sell their own unwanted items for cash or trade. SFI affiliates
can earn handsome commissions promoting products and services available at TripleClicks.


Contact Information
SFI's corporate headquarters is located at: 8251 Northwoods Drive, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68505
You can reach SFI via phone at 402-434-8480 or via fax at 402-434-8483.
SFI affiliates can also visit our 24-hour support center at www.SFISupportLine.com.
See what others are saying about SFI
Learn about SFI's many income opportunities
Compare SFI to other business opportunities
Get answers at our Frequently Asked Questions page